Excellent read. In my Substack Darkrooms I also talk about the camera in your hand and in your mind. I call it the analogue/digital dark room and the mental darkroom. Both are not equally important, the mental is far more determining the outcome.

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Thanks! I agree with you. The mechanical one just has to act as expected, but the mental one is subject to many influences. I'm sure you have experienced like me the days where you see photos everywhere and the days where there's nothing to be seen. The perfect link between the two for me is the 50mm lens. I have good guesses with the 35mm, which I love, but not as easy and accurate.

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Oh yes, I see photos everywhere. Guessed all freaks like us do. That's why I started the topic Un/Taken, about the photo you did not take. If you got a good story I invite you to feature in a upcoming topic. My main lens currently is the 35mm. Love to have a prime cause it will limit the things I can photograph. So it is a training of the mental dark room as well.

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haha! Yes, it happens sometimes that I miss or chose not to take a photo. Thanks, I'll let you know if one comes to mind!

I hate zooms and for whatever reason I tried traveling with a zoom once. Not twice.

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